Why I do what I do

I remember how excited I was as a little girl to finally have my own room. I spent a lot of time playing alone, despite having two older siblings (no one wants the young squirt tagging along), and absolutely adored organizing my space. I would take everything out of my shelves and closet and re-organize them to increase aesthetic and practical value. I hated an unmade bed, clothes on the floor (I kid you not) and jammed drawers. Once I finished with my room, I moved on to the play-spaces in the garage (I had my own little kid-sized apartment) and basement (rec room, anyone?) Flashforward a few decades, with four kids of my own (how do you do it, said everyone??), and I spent the better part of my days over cleaning and organizing the spaces of several successive apartments, houses, cars (homemade activity/snack trip packs for each kid), and office-spaces. I have always used my eye for detail, planning abilities, artistic flare and practical sense to create spaces my family and office-mates enjoyed living and working in, where everything was in its place so we could relax and enjoy ourselves, get homework and office work done, socialize and feel happy to be there. For what is an organized space but a place where everyone knows where stuff goes and we only have the stuff we need, so we can get on with the joy of being together and living life and chasing dreams? If this sounds like something you would like to have, please reach out to me and I would love to sit down with a coffee or tea and discuss your vision of what that looks like for you.